Office Closed

Due to the winter storm, and following GCISD inclement weather policy, we have closed our office for Thursday, January 9th and Friday, January 10th. Please stay home and stay safe.

man and woman hiking outside in spring

Seasonal Allergies and Hearing

Are Clogged Ears Causing Discomfort? It May be Seasonal Allergies

Itching, sneezing, coughing, and wheezing are all symptoms you might be feeling as allergy season reaches its peak. Another symptom you might feel is discomfort in your ears. Your allergies, caused by the changing of the seasons, can have a large impact on your body. It’s important to pay attention to your symptoms, especially in your ears, so you can avoid any major disruption in your quality of life. Here are a few things you should know about how seasonal allergies can affect your ears:

Histamine is behind your discomfort.

When you encounter allergens like plant pollen, your body has an immune response that produces a chemical called histamine. Histamine elicits various reactions throughout your body like excess mucus, itching, rashes, swelling and inflammation. The excess mucus can cause irritation in your Eustachian tubes, which are connected to your ears. The swelling prevents extra fluid from draining which can lead to added pressure in your ears. Itching caused by histamine can affect your ears, and you may notice yourself trying to scratch your outer ears.

Allergies can cause many different symptoms in your ears.

Due to the variety of reactions that histamine causes, you can experience a lot of different symptoms. Sometimes you’ll experience a combination of symptoms, and they may change throughout the duration of your allergy reactions. These symptoms can include:

  • Pain in the ear
  • Pressure in the ear
  • Dizziness and balance issues (vertigo)
  • Ringing or the sound of waves in the ears (tinnitus)
  • Clogged ears
  • Difficulty hearing
  • Dry or red skin in the outer ear

Some of these symptoms can be very uncomfortable and can cause you stress or anxiety. It’s important to pay attention to these symptoms and track when they’re happening, their duration, and the level of discomfort they bring you. All of this is important information that you can bring to a hearing healthcare professional to discuss getting help.

You’re more susceptible to ear infections.

Due to the excess fluid in your ears, and the lessened ability for your body to drain it, you’re more at risk of developing an ear infection. Signs of an ear infection include pain, fullness, fever, fatigue, and discharge.

Seasonal allergies can be bothersome, but there are some things you can do to help mitigate them. Taking extra care to clean your living space and avoiding highly pollenated areas (gardens, parks, etc.) can help, as well as speaking with your doctor about the use of antihistamines. Discomfort in your ears and any level of hearing loss, whether it is mild or severe, should be addressed by a hearing healthcare professional.

If you’re experiencing hearing loss or discomfort due to allergies, call our office today for more information and to set up an appointment to evaluate your hearing.